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Intellispring™ moves Lucent 5E switches for US Army
Intellispring Technologies recently completed moving several Lucent 5ESS switches for the 101st Airborne Division of the US Army.
Intellispring™ becomes HP Silver Partner
Intellispring Technologies is honored to announce that the company has earned HP PartnerOne Silver Specialist Partner status for Networking Infrastructure.
Intellispring™ is added to the State of Georgia Contract for Aruba Networks
Intellispring Technologies Inc. has recently been added to the Aruba Networks Georgia State Contract # 99999-SPD-T20120501-0003.
Intellispring™ becomes Shortel partner
Intellispring has announced that is has joined Shoretel as an authorized channel partner. Intellispring will focus on offering the cloud based offering to its customers.
Intellispring™ Achieves Advanced Data Center Architecture Specialization
Intellispring Technologies Inc. announced today that is has met the rigorous Cisco certified personnel levels required for Advanced Data Center Architecture Specialization. This specialization recognizes Intellispring as having fulfilled the training requirements and program prerequisites to sell, design and deploy comprehensive Cisco® Unified Data Center solutions.
Intellispring™ achieves ATP Certification for Cisco TelePresence
Intellispring Technologies Inc.announced today that is has met the rigorous Cisco certified personnel levels required for a ATP – Cisco TelePresence Video Partner. This helps ensure that Intellispring Technologies Inc. sales and support organizations are better prepared to properly sell, design, install, and support the ATP program specific technology and products. This designation recognizes Intellispring as having fulfilled the training requirements and program prerequisites to sell, deploy and support Cisco TelePresence.
Intellispring providing technical IP training and support for the US Air Force
Intellispring Technologies began providing technical training and support for Shaw Air Force base. Training is based on next generation enterprise solutions for pure standards-based SIP environments within the US federal government and will include secure unified communications with encryption for all communications. It is a highly scalable, carrier grade, software-based solutions. This course type represents a traditional instructor-led course which is facilitated by an Instructor and delivered in a classroom.
Intellispring to provide support for the federal Defense Commissary Agency (DECA)
The Defense Commissary Agency (Deca) announced a multi-year, multi-million dollar deal for Intellispring to help support legacy voice infrastructure in its worldwide chain of commissaries providing groceries stores worldwide.
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